Sunday, January 8, 2012

Do you believe in Fate?

Do you believe in fate? I do! I think that fate happens all the time! I like to think that fate is signs pointing us into the right direction or let us know that maybe we are doing the right thing! Ok here are a few examples of things that I believe fate had to do with. When you apply for Chase Bank, you are applying for multiple locations because there is literally a Chase on every corner. Anyways, what are the odds that I get a job at the Chase that is the closest one to my apartment and I can walk there? Not good enough for you? Ok ok how about this...I met someone today who choreographs flash mobs and asked him how to sign up...I go to the website to sign up and the next flash mob is called Birthday Mob and its on Feburary 1st...the day of my best friends birthday and the day before mine! Still not convinced? Geez ok then how about this...I entered a contest to win $10,000 on Dec. 2nd at 2:00pm and on Jan. 2nd I got a call at 2:00pm on the dot telling me that I had won a drawing for $10,000!!! Ok ok that last one didnt happen but hopefully you all get my drift! I just think that alot of times things happen for a reason and certain things and certain people are put into your life to help you in life. So think about some of the things that have happened to you and then tell me...Do you believe in fate?

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