So this is something that has been bothering me for sometime now and I would like a straight answer as to Why! Why are people such assholes these days? Why do people pretend that they are the only person walking on the fucking sidewalk these days?
OK so the basic story behind all this is that I am an advocate bike rider. I ride my bike everywhere because A. its a fast way to travel B. its good exercise and C. ITS GOOD FOR THE EARTH!. Now I think that those are some pretty great ideas to bike ride. I'm not saying that everyone who drives is bad or anything like that. I'm just saying that people need to be more courteous and respectful, and not only to bikers but to other people in general but that's a whole nother post! Anyway, So I ride my bike to work which is less than a 10 minute ride and I swear I become invisible to people! Ill be riding on the sidewalk and people will just continue to walk towards me so I have to swerve out of the way! COME ON PEOPLE!...Its soooo annoying when its just 1 person walking because they like to walk in the middle of the sidewalk like they fucking own IT! Like seriously take two steps to the left OR right and we will be copasetic! But no...they act like they are the only kid on the fucking playground. WELL GUESS WHAT! YOUR NOT! Geez..It SUCKS when you have that couple that's walking down the sidewalk holding hands acting all gushy n shit! Oh how fucking sweet! For some reason they think that if they have to split for you then that's them splitting the relationship! So they just like to act like they don't hear you ringing your bell or struggling to pass them and not fall into the street. I'm thinking about installing a mega phone onto the front of my bike so that people will have no choice but to get the hell outta my way when I'm riding! OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!! The ABSOLUTE worst people that walk the sidewalk are the people who WALK n TEXT! If i ever wanted to be really mean to someone it would be at that moment when the Walk N Texter was walking straight toward me, and i was riding pretty fast toward them, and they have no idea and I slam right into them and their phone shatters! Then again that sounds like it could be pretty painful for me scratch that idea. Oh how about I get a stick with a boxing glove attached to the end and acted like I was jousting and slammed that into them?!! Yea that's what Id do! OK i get answering a text but how can you be sooo engulfed in that message that you don't notice ANYTHING around you?! Please someone help me figure this one out cuz I'm concerned. And it seems like I'm a magnet because people will be texting and walking toward me when there's like 4 feet of open sidewalk! WTF! Wow...oddly this rant is helping me feel better! Lol. I'm just saying that people need to pay more attention to their surroundings. I mean don't you people get that you are easy targets for getting robbed?! No...well you are!
So the Moral of the Story is...People please watch your step!
This is a Blog of all the thoughts that I have throughout the day about any and everything that I would like to get off my head. If someone could invent some machine that could just record all of my thoughts as I have them I would be greatly appreciated!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Too many ideas...
Do you ever feel like you have sooo many ideas that you dont even have time or energy to write them down to remember them? I feel like I always have these great ideas and im like OH man i should write that down....but then I dont and then I forget what that awesome idea was! Ah its so frustrating! Take right now for example. Im thinking about how I want to be on snl and how i want to write down skits and how i want to go to the beauty store to get some makeup and how i need to make an appointment for my hair and how i....WOAH! See what happens! I mean how the hell am I supposed to keep track of all the things going on in my mind when things are popping up ever millasecond! And then! Oh man and then when i am watching SNL i get lost in the show and completley forget that i was just thinking of ideas because the show is so amazing! I think thats why I need to invest in a recorder, so that i can just speak my ideas and make it easier to get them all out at one time. But with so many ideas Ill look like a crazy person talking to a tape recorder all of the time. That or Ill look like a 90s detective...but still crazy! Better yet! Why dont I just blog all of my ideas and just type them as I think them and then they are saved for ever! Yea I think thats why I will do! Thanks for listening!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
This is my problem!
This is my problem! I start something like this blog and will do good for about a week with blogging then I keep procrastinating on doing more! I don't understand why! I mean....................................................................Damn it! See I just went and opened a different website and started searching! Its because my mind its thinking about things faster than the speed of light and when I think of something I have to act on it right away or else I will forget and it will be lost! I think that I need a tap recorder and I'm just going to record it all so I don't forget. Then I will become the weirdo who is seen talking to herself all of the time because I need to make sure I don't miss something. I think its worth it! Anyways, my so my sister, our friend, and I are watching the movie Rent and if you have seen it you know how great it is. And how hard it is to watch it without singing all of the songs! My sister has never seen it so its like "Movie Code" that I don't sing it this time. ( For all of you that don't know what "Movie Code" is, its when someone that has not seen the movie that is being watched then all parties present cannot TALK, SING or GIVE AWAY anything about the movie! Learn the Code....LOVE the Code!) So I'm sitting here trying to occupy myself so that I don't belch out the song by blogging. Is it working you may ask?? Well not entirely...i keep doing a very light singing/humming. But my sister hasn't complained yet.
So its Award Season for all of you that love to watch them. I do! I love Awards Season because its motivation for me to get there next year! The Golden Globes were on last week and I thought they were pretty good!! In the Pre-Show where everyone is showing up on the Red Carpet they all seem to be talking about how they were excited that they serve alcohol. I'm pretty sure every other interview someone mentions how its a great thing that alcohol is served and they plan on getting pretty inebriated! And it seems like they all had a pretty good time!
Ricky Gervis was pretty entertaining too! Especially as the night went on and so did the drinks! He had to give a stern talking to to all of the winners because they decided that they wanted to have 8 minute speeches instead of the typical 2.They would even start playing music to signal people to wrap it up. Some people got it, but others, not to mention any names (Cough Meryl Streep) would just ignore it. But even though Ricky made fun of everyone who had a long speech, everyone that one after that still had long speeches and made Harrison Ford have to be a creepy old man and say one word instead of his sch peal.
I wonder if the Hollywood Foreign Press makes it a rule to Thank them first in peoples speeches. Because everyone did. Even the people who didn't really thank anyone thanked the HFP. Maybe before the show they tell everyone that if they win that they HAVE to thank the HFP or they will not get their award! NO EXCEPTIONS...NOT EVEN YOU ALEC BALDWIN!
How weird is Madonna! Like really?! If you heard her speech at the Golden Globes you would understand that she is just an egotistical weirdo! OK A. She needs to gain some weight so her body doesn't look so damn creepy and B. I would like to see her not, key word NOT, talk about herself in one sentence! And come on! How are you gonna low blow Elton John! I'm sure he made time to write his song to be nominated!
The presenters did a great job! William H. Macy and his wife's song was hilarious! And I'm sure they didn't rehearse that. The foriegn people were killing me though. They were trying so hard to make sense. It was a valiant effort!
Why did it seem to take people so long to get to stage? There would be like 5 minutes of downtime waiting for the winner to get to stage! I mean you can only watch people walk for so long....RUN NEXT TIME!
Did anyone catch Tina Fey and how fucking HILARIOUS she was! There was one point where they flashed to Amy Pohler because she was nominated for Parks & Recreation and Tina Fey creeped in the back round and it was too funny!
Is it bad that every time a female walked on stage I couldn't help but think how funny it would be if they fell. I mean that stage was so shiny it was bound to happen!
You could definitely tell that by the end of the night the alcohol was seeping in to people! They all seemed to be having a great time!
Well that's it for the Golden Globes! Ill be sure to keep all of you updated on the future awards shows for this season!
So its Award Season for all of you that love to watch them. I do! I love Awards Season because its motivation for me to get there next year! The Golden Globes were on last week and I thought they were pretty good!! In the Pre-Show where everyone is showing up on the Red Carpet they all seem to be talking about how they were excited that they serve alcohol. I'm pretty sure every other interview someone mentions how its a great thing that alcohol is served and they plan on getting pretty inebriated! And it seems like they all had a pretty good time!
Ricky Gervis was pretty entertaining too! Especially as the night went on and so did the drinks! He had to give a stern talking to to all of the winners because they decided that they wanted to have 8 minute speeches instead of the typical 2.They would even start playing music to signal people to wrap it up. Some people got it, but others, not to mention any names (Cough Meryl Streep) would just ignore it. But even though Ricky made fun of everyone who had a long speech, everyone that one after that still had long speeches and made Harrison Ford have to be a creepy old man and say one word instead of his sch peal.
I wonder if the Hollywood Foreign Press makes it a rule to Thank them first in peoples speeches. Because everyone did. Even the people who didn't really thank anyone thanked the HFP. Maybe before the show they tell everyone that if they win that they HAVE to thank the HFP or they will not get their award! NO EXCEPTIONS...NOT EVEN YOU ALEC BALDWIN!
How weird is Madonna! Like really?! If you heard her speech at the Golden Globes you would understand that she is just an egotistical weirdo! OK A. She needs to gain some weight so her body doesn't look so damn creepy and B. I would like to see her not, key word NOT, talk about herself in one sentence! And come on! How are you gonna low blow Elton John! I'm sure he made time to write his song to be nominated!
The presenters did a great job! William H. Macy and his wife's song was hilarious! And I'm sure they didn't rehearse that. The foriegn people were killing me though. They were trying so hard to make sense. It was a valiant effort!
Why did it seem to take people so long to get to stage? There would be like 5 minutes of downtime waiting for the winner to get to stage! I mean you can only watch people walk for so long....RUN NEXT TIME!
Did anyone catch Tina Fey and how fucking HILARIOUS she was! There was one point where they flashed to Amy Pohler because she was nominated for Parks & Recreation and Tina Fey creeped in the back round and it was too funny!
Is it bad that every time a female walked on stage I couldn't help but think how funny it would be if they fell. I mean that stage was so shiny it was bound to happen!
You could definitely tell that by the end of the night the alcohol was seeping in to people! They all seemed to be having a great time!
Well that's it for the Golden Globes! Ill be sure to keep all of you updated on the future awards shows for this season!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Do you believe in Fate?
Do you believe in fate? I do! I think that fate happens all the time! I like to think that fate is signs pointing us into the right direction or let us know that maybe we are doing the right thing! Ok here are a few examples of things that I believe fate had to do with. When you apply for Chase Bank, you are applying for multiple locations because there is literally a Chase on every corner. Anyways, what are the odds that I get a job at the Chase that is the closest one to my apartment and I can walk there? Not good enough for you? Ok ok how about this...I met someone today who choreographs flash mobs and asked him how to sign up...I go to the website to sign up and the next flash mob is called Birthday Mob and its on Feburary 1st...the day of my best friends birthday and the day before mine! Still not convinced? Geez ok then how about this...I entered a contest to win $10,000 on Dec. 2nd at 2:00pm and on Jan. 2nd I got a call at 2:00pm on the dot telling me that I had won a drawing for $10,000!!! Ok ok that last one didnt happen but hopefully you all get my drift! I just think that alot of times things happen for a reason and certain things and certain people are put into your life to help you in life. So think about some of the things that have happened to you and then tell me...Do you believe in fate?
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Things I've been pondering...
So I just watched Soul Surfer, that movie about Bethany Hamilton, the girl who lost her arm in a shark attack and then went on to become a professional surfer. And it was a really great movie! I cried like 8 times haha. But really it made me think about how lazy and scared people are to do things and this girl conquers amazing challenges without giving up at all! Really makes me want to do more than what I am. Anyways on a more lighter note. Do you know what is really annoying?!? When you paint your nails and not even 20 minutes later they are freaking screwed up! Ugh that shit pisses me off! I wish they would come out with a nail polish that drys in like seconds and hardens so it doesn't crack off right away!! I mean your telling me that they have a nail polish that cracks and they can't come out with one that just drys fast?!? Bogus, just bogus! Ya know what else I wish someone would invent...a machine that could hook up to your head and just record your thoughts, because it is tough trying to write or type stuff down when you feel like your brain is going a mile a minute! But I'm sure the government wouldn't want that because i guess it could be used as a weapon for blackmail and other things. Like let's say someone somehow caputres the president or something and instead of threatening with weapons, they hook up the thought recorder (I gotta work on the name) and record some of his darkest thoughts and then threatens to tell the world or Michelle Obama lol! It would be classic! And those are just some things I've been pondering!
The People of NoHo a.k.a. North Hollwood
Have you ever picked up and moved your whole life somewhere new and completely different from what you know? Have you ever experienced more in 9 months than you really have your whole life? Guilty on both accounts! I recently just moved from a town outside of Cleveland, Ohio called Painesville to North Hollywood, California and let me be the first and definitely not the last to tell you that it is a fucking culture shock! Now when I came here I was already ready for what was ahead of me and ,I think, prepared myself the best I could, but even after that I still felt like I was in a dream at times. Hell, I still do! Its probably the most exciting and scary feeling when you move somewhere new...ESPECIALLY North Hollywood! I like to think that North Hollywood is the breading ground for young dancers, young actors, young musicians, bums, hippies, and the mentally insane! Yes I know that is kind of a weird list but I assure you if you came here you would know exactly what I am talking about! I often walk the streets of NoHo because it can be more entertaining than watching Twilight or Fast and the Furious in my book! You can see people practicing acting skits outside the dozens of theaters, watch bums try and beg for change,hookers standing under the NoHo sign, salsa dancers practicing for their big show, or a ton of "Almost Accidents" at the intersection of Lankershim and Magnolia. I'm telling you cable TV has nothing on NoHo! And its funny because everyone really does fit into a certain category. There is the old grump weird men, the dancers, the young entertainers, the crazy ladies, the creepy guys and the unknown. Everybody basically fits into one of those categories in one way or another. I'm going to start a cartoon series about all of the wonders of NoHo so that everyone can experience what I get to! Honestly thought...I wouldn't want to start off anywhere else!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year 2012
Wow Its 2012 already! Where the hell does time go, seriously though?! I feel like just yesterday I was in high school throwing parties at my dads house. But time sure does fly! Obviously New Years is really about making New Years Resolutions that that people can pretend to have a reason to change things about themselves rather than just doing it just because it would make you happy or healthy or whatever! But I'm not going to lie, I did make some New Years Resolutions of my own and I think they are pretty realistic. New Year's Resolution #1: To do more networking and meeting new people. And that's the only one that I can remember right now but I have about 4 others. Anyway, I think 2012 is gonna be a great year! I'm starting it off with a bang by hiking to the Hollywood Sign with my friends! Should be a fun little way to start off the new year with something healthy. Sorry, I'm really tired trying to type this and I don't think my brain is working. I will write more later and I promise it will be awesome!
Wow Its 2012 already! Where the hell does time go, seriously though?! I feel like just yesterday I was in high school throwing parties at my dads house. But time sure does fly! Obviously New Years is really about making New Years Resolutions that that people can pretend to have a reason to change things about themselves rather than just doing it just because it would make you happy or healthy or whatever! But I'm not going to lie, I did make some New Years Resolutions of my own and I think they are pretty realistic. New Year's Resolution #1: To do more networking and meeting new people. And that's the only one that I can remember right now but I have about 4 others. Anyway, I think 2012 is gonna be a great year! I'm starting it off with a bang by hiking to the Hollywood Sign with my friends! Should be a fun little way to start off the new year with something healthy. Sorry, I'm really tired trying to type this and I don't think my brain is working. I will write more later and I promise it will be awesome!
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