So this is something that has been bothering me for sometime now and I would like a straight answer as to Why! Why are people such assholes these days? Why do people pretend that they are the only person walking on the fucking sidewalk these days?
OK so the basic story behind all this is that I am an advocate bike rider. I ride my bike everywhere because A. its a fast way to travel B. its good exercise and C. ITS GOOD FOR THE EARTH!. Now I think that those are some pretty great ideas to bike ride. I'm not saying that everyone who drives is bad or anything like that. I'm just saying that people need to be more courteous and respectful, and not only to bikers but to other people in general but that's a whole nother post! Anyway, So I ride my bike to work which is less than a 10 minute ride and I swear I become invisible to people! Ill be riding on the sidewalk and people will just continue to walk towards me so I have to swerve out of the way! COME ON PEOPLE!...Its soooo annoying when its just 1 person walking because they like to walk in the middle of the sidewalk like they fucking own IT! Like seriously take two steps to the left OR right and we will be copasetic! But no...they act like they are the only kid on the fucking playground. WELL GUESS WHAT! YOUR NOT! Geez..It SUCKS when you have that couple that's walking down the sidewalk holding hands acting all gushy n shit! Oh how fucking sweet! For some reason they think that if they have to split for you then that's them splitting the relationship! So they just like to act like they don't hear you ringing your bell or struggling to pass them and not fall into the street. I'm thinking about installing a mega phone onto the front of my bike so that people will have no choice but to get the hell outta my way when I'm riding! OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!! The ABSOLUTE worst people that walk the sidewalk are the people who WALK n TEXT! If i ever wanted to be really mean to someone it would be at that moment when the Walk N Texter was walking straight toward me, and i was riding pretty fast toward them, and they have no idea and I slam right into them and their phone shatters! Then again that sounds like it could be pretty painful for me scratch that idea. Oh how about I get a stick with a boxing glove attached to the end and acted like I was jousting and slammed that into them?!! Yea that's what Id do! OK i get answering a text but how can you be sooo engulfed in that message that you don't notice ANYTHING around you?! Please someone help me figure this one out cuz I'm concerned. And it seems like I'm a magnet because people will be texting and walking toward me when there's like 4 feet of open sidewalk! WTF! Wow...oddly this rant is helping me feel better! Lol. I'm just saying that people need to pay more attention to their surroundings. I mean don't you people get that you are easy targets for getting robbed?! No...well you are!
So the Moral of the Story is...People please watch your step!